T 01158 220 400
E enquiries@real-education.org

Castledine House, 7 Heanor Road
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 8DY


R.E.A.L. Education was formed in 2008 to provide expertise and provision to school and local authorities to meet the needs of children and young people at risk of exclusion.

We focus on the needs of children and young people with additional needs who may be “lost to learning”, at risk of exclusion from school, or are already out of school with a placement hard to identify.

In our work we have committed to Rethink Engagement and Approaches to Learning; this requires experienced staff dedicated to going the extra mile. Children and young people with complex and challenging needs require the care and support of a professional team equipped to handle exceptional demands that arise from special educational needs, behaviour management and attendance issues. Our staff support model includes training in the management of behaviour, safeguarding, knowledge of special educational needs and risk management as well as access to specialists such as psychologists and advisory teachers.

This approach means we are in contrast to many alternative providers as we address personal development and emotional wellbeing in tandem with re-engagement in learning. We do not simply offer one approach; we provide a continuum of opportunities that enable progress towards re-inclusion.

To achieve this we work collaboratively with local authorities and schools to establish cost effective and individually tailored solutions ensuring that children and young people receive their educational entitlement whilst avoiding costly “out of county” placements. Since 2008 we have grown a range of interventions, including short-term early intervention courses, accredited group opportunities and highly personalised and specialised 1:1 programmes. We pride ourselves on being flexible and delivering effective solutions quickly.

Contact us to discuss how we can develop an effective partnership with your organisation and complement what you offer children and all young people.

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